
merit is UI Kit based on Bootstrap with awesome ready to use components and pages. This guide will help you get started with merit and will provide steps to set up Dev environment. Should you have any questions feel free to contact us.


  1. Node.js: In order to use our build tools, download and install Node.js. If you have alredy installed Node.js continue with step 2. To install it, download stable version of Node.js (LTS) from
  2. Gulp command line utility: Run below command in your terminal to install gulp command line utility globally.
    npm install gulp-cli -g
  3. Unzip the theme and open command line interface. cd into the root of the unzipped theme directory.
  4. Open your command line to the root directory of your unzipped theme and run below command to install all of merit's dependencies.
    npm install

If you would like to stop the server and Gulp, hit Control + C